Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why do people listen to what PINK has to say?

I hear a lot of people on here talking about PINKS song Dear Mr. President...she can't even manage her own life so I'm not sure her thoughts on geopolitics are particularly illuminating... It's like Charlie Sheen going on about things...That guys life is a mess and yet people listen to him when he criticizes the U.S.?? Charlie, figure out your own life before you tell us all what we should think...

Why do people listen to what PINK has to say?opera cd

I try to ignore people who just repeat the same old 'popular politics' without much true thought. My boyfriend listens to her because he thinks she is hot. I don't agree with her, but her video makes a good babysitter when I want my bf to leave me alone for an hour or so!

PS One of the original members of the punk group 'Ramones' tended to be very conservative in his views. His justification was that almost ALL stars are liberal. He felt that as someone who was supposed to be associated with rebellion that it defeated the purpose to just go with the popular flow and repeat the same tired lines. He said that being an independent thinker and a conservative made him the only true rebellious one in the group.

Why do people listen to what PINK has to say?opera singer opera theater

People like Pink and Charlie Sheen and whoever else are exercising their right to free speech. It's up to us to decide whether or not to listen to them or believe what they are saying.

There are a lot of messed up conservatives that people take seriously too, you know.

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