Thursday, December 10, 2009


The Child's Comments and Thoughts

My son came home from school one day,

with a smirk upon his face.

He decided he was smart enough,

to put me in my place.

"Guess what I learned in Civics Two,

that's taught by Mr. Wright?

It's all about the laws today,

The 'Children's Bill of Rights.'

It says I need not clean my room,

don't have to cut my hair

No one can tell me what to think,

or speak, or what to wear.

I have freedom from religion,

and regardless what you say,

I don't have to bow my head,

and I sure don't have to pray.

I can wear earrings if I want,

and pierce my tongue %26amp; nose.

I can read %26amp; watch just what I like,

get tattoos from head to toe.

And if you ever spank me,

I'll charge you with a crime.

I'll back up all my charges,

with the marks on my behind.

Don't you ever touch me,

my body's only for my use,

not for your hugs and kisses

that's just more child abuse.

Subject: DON'T MESS WITH MOM?performing arts

Absolutely fantastic. Thanks for sharing it. A star for you!

Hill_Amandalynn: Yes, something maybe needed for the children you speak of. But what about the wee neds and toerags who go out of their way to harm people, especially the elderly and when they're challenged turn and spout about Children's Rights. The only rights they should get is a good slap on the ar se and grounded for life.

Subject: DON'T MESS WITH MOM?binoculars opera theater

Brilliant! So simple and meaningful
thats really funny!
Just recieved this myself today in an email... doesnt it tell the truth... kids think they can get away with so much.. and sometimes do.. but they dont realize what a mom can do
loved it
That is CLASS!!! Have a star. ;-)
hear hear!!
very smart words.
I understand the point of the poem, I honestly do. Though a children's bill of rights would not be for some rich, suburban spoiled brat in the first place. A bill of rights for children is actually very much needed in many places all over the world where children are abused and their rights ignored.

So the poem is "cute" from an ethnocentric American perspective but a children's bill of rights would actually be very welcome in the world.
Fookin Brilliant! lol
ah the best EVER
clever clever
My son tried to pull that poop with me when he was little. I told him if he didn't like the rules then call whoever, I didn't care. I also told him when the authorities came for him, he would leave with nothing but what was on his back. Everything we bought as parents would not leave. And.... if you want to leave, you can't come back. I never had another threat from him.
ab fab have a star x
While children are being taught about their rights they should also be reminded that with rights comes responsibilities.
Hehe i love it! A star for you!

One of my daughters tried that whole crap with me one time. Didnt work to well at all. She quickly figured out that if she wanted to act that way and be in "control" of her life, I would let her, but she would have act like the adult she wanted to be. All i was required to do was put a roof over her head, make sure she got fed (doesnt say what ya have to feed them :) ), and make sure she had proper clothing for school and attended school. Everything else, for about two weeks, i put in her hands. She had to do it all, from washing her own cloths to fixing her own meals and lunches for school.

My rules are simple, Its my house, its my rules, follow them or well, just write a note to the complaints department.

My answer to the complaint note is:

You want to be grown? Get a job, get a car, move out and get your own place, pay your own bills. Then I wont tell you what to do anymore.

I have a print out of the state law saying I am neglecting my child if i fail to provide proper discipline to prevent them from becoming deliquent children. It is hung right next to the law allowing me to physically punish my child or any child to whom i am Guardian of, in order to promote their welfare and keep them from becoming deliquent children.
lol. I love it.
Wow, that's really cool. Really made me think....Thanks for posting it! i'm gonna keep this one handy..... :D

this is fantastic, i will keep this for my daughter ha ha

kids really do think they know it all, and that they are so ill treated. this made me laugh so much.

thanks for a great poem

blondie xx
I love it!!! Too bad I didn't have this around when my 2 oldest were teens. But theres still one at home. :D A star 4 u.
lol, very clever, here is a star :D
I love it....:)
cool. very true....

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