Thursday, December 10, 2009

So why is it that Rudy is the only one with the cahonies to take on MoveOn.Org?

Sure, Mr. Swiftboat and Nancy Pelosi made comments against them, and rightly so, but no one else will step up to the plate. Where's Hillary? Where's John Edwards? Where's John Mcain? Where's Mit Romney?

That being the case, if no one else will tango with MoveOn.Org, what's going to happen when we need to really step up to the plate and face Russia, or China, Iran, Syria, Turkey, N. Korea, and whatever other country wants to mess around with us?

So why is it that Rudy is the only one with the cahonies to take on MoveOn.Org?opera mini will tell them what to do.

So why is it that Rudy is the only one with the cahonies to take on MoveOn.Org?passions soap opera opera theater

What cahonies, its pure politics. The radical right is trying to demonize free speech and dissent in this country. I support Moveon's ad.
He's a republican.we tend to have a spine.
they have more important things to do, like spearhead a presidential nomination campaign, than worry about what some website says.

It is the only leg he has to stand on. The other leg is holding his "great accomplishments", during the 9/11 attacks.


Ghouliani is a walking joke.
You give waaaay too much credit.

It's like asking "why don't people take on Rosey? Or Charlie Sheen?"
Obama criticized the ad, and said that it only gave fodder to the Republicans. So that's 3 others, and your questions ask why is Rudy the only one to criticize moveon's ad.
Before this is all over with, MoveOn will castrate rudy!!!
Um, because they pretty much pay Hillary's salary..."the democratic party is bought and paid for"...and republicans have the luxury of ignoring them. Besides, is good for Republicans since it a) owns the left whose actions and approval ratings reflect that fact and b) well, refer to 'a'. It's all good.

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