I didn't choose to take this class but my elective class mates and I all shifted to a different teacher and a different subject
I take music with Mr.Strouse (name is spelt wrong)
I hat his class...The first day I went to his class I was the first student to answer one of his questions correctly...But...
The class after that I didn't understand it at all...
My last class I was choose on to answer a question or a music problem (what notes can go into 4 over 4 and what notes can go into 3 over 4....
At first I didn't understand what he was talking about but then he said I needed more than one note and as I went on he said what I was saying didn't make any sense....
I dislike his class very much...I was also choosen to read a paper out loud...I was nervious so I kept studdering and messing up and people kept giggling...after class I told him I was having trouble and he just said dont worry about it your doing fine...I take my next class tomorrow...I am so scared..
Music Class is a pain in the *** how do not be nervious?secure browser
Don't worry about them (other students), just focus on learning and having fun, you'll be great!
Music Class is a pain in the *** how do not be nervious?home theater opera theater
well if you get nervous just tell yourself do this and get it over with as soon as possible. if you get nervous in front of a class try talking to your friends or... be the first to give a speech in language arts (writing and reading) and be confident in what you say. the studdering problem is something that can be solved by confidence. mainly the point of this is be confident in what you and and your speaking abilities
ps i had the same problem if you have the time take a public speaking class. it helped my confidence
i play in a band too. (skool band) and yeah its a pain... at first i was REALLY nervous too. but what i did was jus pretend i was by myself instead of in front of the crowd, and jus take deep breaths... trust me, it helps!
Sounds like you got embarrassed. It'll be fine, don't worry too much about it. Just keep on studying and learning. It will pass soon enough. Everyone makes mistakes sometiems, it's normal.
Trust your teacher. If he says youre doing fine, believe him. Music theory is a difficult subject. Maybe a tutor would help. The biggest key to not being nervous is knowing you are well prepared.
- a university music professor
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