Or do you think that's too juvenile and offensive? How about reverse prank phone calls, then. For example, the telemarketer calls you and then you start messing with him, saying stuff like "So how much do you get paid for this?" or "What's your favorite cereal that glows in the dark?"
I still remember when I was a wee little boy how I looked up in astonishment at the bravery of my friend's older brother, who randomly flipped through the phone book, found a person with the last name of Hamburger, and then called him up and said, "Mr. Hamburger, can I bite your head off?" Oh, and they even prank called the cops once, but that didn't end up well.
Do you ever make prank phone calls?hollywood theater
Me and my friends always call places like nabisco and ask for the snack fairy or whoever their character person is. I dont really think its bad or anything but some people just can't take a joke
Do you ever make prank phone calls?opera.com opera theater
i'm passed that. I don't try to harass someone trying to do their job. what goes around comes around
yeah . i did that last year all the time, except we ended up calling some guy in junior high, and i had to say in a really gurly voice " i luv u " like 20 times, but we never said anthing really 'messed' up .... i dont think it is to offensive unless someone insults you, because i have been prank called before, i think it is just something childish, but 'can' be fun.
Not since I was a kid. That was in the days before caller ID and star 67 or whatever. I do that occasionally with telemarketers when I'm in the mood. I'll ask really stupid questions or say totally irrelevant things. They always end up hanging up on me. That'll learn them for bugging me.
i used to record them on a tiny tape player long ago
then about 4-5 years ago i entered my digital phase of prank calls, haha
made an entire cd of em but that's just a few...pretty old
this before i even had a computer. I hooked one phone up to my cd recorder and used a 2nd phone to call on
i think these are halarious, pretty much because they came out so good (sound wise)
I had to go down to police station for one my friend did the day we made this
Cop said some old lady claimed we asked for her bank info and I almost told him,..."i got it on cd, i can prove we did not"
then we started calling people with our names and trying to talk to them like we knew them
It's not childish, it's halarious
reverse prank,..i still have not got a very good one but next telemarketer i will try to get them to call me back so i can set it up first
they usually don't call back though
sometimes when i was a teenager. but not these days anymore.
No way...much too juvenile. And I'm 15. But I think it's a waste of time, and pretty much pointless. It's not fair to the person on the other line either. How would you like someone prank calling you? That's what you have to think about. But my dad prank called as a kid. He told me stories and it's pretty funny when you hear someone else prank called, but I would never.
I did when I was little, but they were lame, whats a 7 yr old know about ordering pizza and giving the wrong addy? it was funny seeing the church have to turn them away xp
i prank all the time haha...only people i know though
don't you just want to dial the phone number that hs fu*k in it, like, you r fuc*ed, etc.etc and say; hello, did you know your number spells fu*k? n
lol, stupid, I know, but funny, yes.
Not today
Im 19 years old and you think someone my age would have grown out of it. but no, younger siblings always tend to make you join in what you once considered fun.... it still is.. LMAO!
I still make prank calls, just dial up random numbers and ask for Jack or Sunny.. then there's the whole "honey could you pick up my dry cleaning after work?" and then there's "Jacob i found a cheap earring in your pocket, are you fooling around.. etc.." it's lotsa fun, especially the part where the other person goes "uh.. im sorry!!" LMAO!
It's funny especially if you prank a mate!
No. But when I get stupid calls I give prank answers.
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