Personally, To me it was time for it to end before the 10th season, this season has been a Joke, It's time to kill the view and stop kissing BW's behind, and to think they brought rosie on to get good ratings; it's just more trashier daytime mess. After Rachel Ray's show I hit the Power button, and have you seen the way they treat the guest hostesses? they can never get a word in unless they're yelling it or trying to talk above the main figures there. At this point, I'm still wondering why people like Rosie and Joy exist in the world. GET RID OF THE VIEW, put something better on and give us a break with Barbara W, just MAKE her retire, she's killing the ABC network, I'm tired of seeing her morning, noon and night. And to Mr Donald Trump........ GO get her, its' about time, someone has brought her bull to the light, and hopefully this will shut her UP Finally. Even better, just crazy glue her mouth shut.
Do you think it's time for "The View" to end it's Show?lyric opera
Yes and somebody should help the world to eradicate Elizabeth and her bullsh!t politics.
Do you think it's time for "The View" to end it's Show?imax theater opera theater
Personally...I still like it.
Super glue works better. Who even watches that show? I tried once and it did not take me long to click the remote.
the show was never too good and never deserved to be on the air but you know its over *** soon as rosie o'donnel or what ever her name is to the show.
Actually, the time for The View to end was right before they hired Rosie. She is such a jerk...
Ok then I guess you don't like the View right?
I agree whole heartedly. I stoppped liking Rosie after her talk show.
personally I dont think it should have started
i never cared for the show, they all talked at the same time and i couldn't understand half of it and now they have that big mouthed
crazy Rosie - it's a disaster waiting to happen
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