On the comments by the mayor of Praia Du Luz that the McCanns were to blame for the mess .......
"Last night McCann spokesman Clarence Mitchell angrily dismissed the mayor's comments, saying: "Where is his proof? He is not a police officer and has no access to details of the case. These comments are unrepresentative of the majority of Portuguese people.""
Actually Mr Mitchell, where is YOUR proof that his comments are unrepresentative of the majority of people in Portugal? Oh thats right, your the king of making sweeping statements that have no basis in fact.
"On Mrs Murat's criticism, he said: "Kate and Gerry thought they were acting as responsible parents that night. No one regrets it more than them.""
So Gerry and Kate thought on that night that leaving their 3 children alone, in an unlocked room, in a foreign countries, with many strangers wandering around was responsible? Really?
Come now Mr Mitchell, you'll be telling us that Santa Clause is real next .........
Clarence Mitchell makes me laugh ......?opera ticket
Clarence Mitchell makes us laugh! Does he really think people are that stupid to believe his words? He's ridiculous!
By the way, he said the Mayor's opinion is not representative of the Portuguese people who had been so nice and supportive. Mr Mitchell wake up!! The Mayor just said what the majority of us think.
Clarence Mitchell makes me laugh ......?pacific theater opera theater
All pigs fed and ready to fly!
And not a single mention of Madeline this Circus has forgotten the most important think.
I would rather believe the Mayor, than believe Clarence Mitchell.
dave s makes me laugh
but thats just me:)
Kate and Gerry attempting to justify serial child neglect...
He makes me want to vomit! I'm beginning to wonder what these people are on? All we hear is - 'They played no part, they are responsible loving parents' yeah right? NO loving responsible parent would even contemplate leaving their vulnerable children alone! but the McLiar's went one better, they left them alone, in a foreign Country in an unlocked apartment! and they regret is so much, they deny responsibility and refuse to answer vital questions the Police need to know, while smiling merrily with a face of their 'missing' daughter across their heartless chests!
I really can't believe these two vile excuses of parents are still roaming free to spread their lies and discord of all that is good and decent! They don't know what regret and remorse is because they are incarcerated in their own world of arrogance, with deceit and treachery flowing threw their toxic veins.........
Edit: Thanks for the reminder of those links 17pdr, the McConn's demeanour is self explanatory but as always, as made me feel nauseous....
The hand of Clarence is very much in evidence in todays Guardian,a story so saccharin, it's pass the sick bag time, if you haven't already read it on the website,you've a treat in store, read and enjoy !
If their behaviour was responsible then I wouldn't like to see what they think irresponsible behaviour is.
Hey hold on a minute, Santa is real that is one thing that I do have proof of because my Grandson told me.
Well Mitchell would wouldnt he?( payed spinner) it has turned into a political mess, it seems mitchell will grab at any straws ...just like the government, but iam sure justice will be done one day.
yes he cracks you up doesn't he.
It makes me laugh to watch Clarence sqirm like a worm that has recently been squished.
About time!
Watch him wriggle about just a little more as the McCann ship goes down....down....down.
Then we can watch Gerry trying to wriggle out of his box of lies and deceit, as his 'protecters' jump ship.
The people have spoken.
This bunch are Blair clones. If you tell a lie often enough people will believe it. Trouble is, didn't work for Blair, won't work for them.
While you obsess over the parents, Madeleine McCann and thousands of other children are missing.
What have you done with your life recently?
I thought u might want to take a look at this link:-
he'll be doing PR for Everest windows soon, or, if his current form carries on, installing them, he'll have to change his name though, can you imagine, "Clarence, get that window siliconed, it don't quite fit right" "Clarence get the tea on, and this time remember the tea bags"
The Mayor wants to get on with life, and get his lovely little resort back to some normality, without dwelling on child neglect too much, the priest wants to forget he ever met them as their "friendship" nearly destroyed him.
Justice is coming for Madeleine.
Somehow I don't think Clarence Mitchell is hanging off your every word.
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