Thursday, December 10, 2009

Movie theater etiquette - Chair kicking?

While trying to enjoy the newest Will Ferrel movie the other night, my chair was being kicked repeatedly. Not once, not five times. All together, the tally might have come to twenty. Yes, TWENTY. The first few times, fine, whatever, I turn around and ask her not to kick my chair. She was an adult, I assume of sound mind.

I'm a polite, tolerable person. I asked politely but NO, it continues. I can ignore it until every kick, although subtle, sends a pulse of adrenaline down my spine. I ask again, politely. Always politely. It stops for half an hour but she's doing it again. I want to get up and push her down the lighted stairs, I want to break her disrespectful little neck. But I decide that I don't want to ruin the movie for anybody else so I tolerate it.

After the movie, I want to get up, turn around and unleash a string of esteem-destroying obscenities but they leave about a minute before the movie ends. Cowards.

Now, my question - What is the proper etiquette for chair kicking?

Movie theater etiquette - Chair kicking?city opera

Sorry about your experience. Too bad there's no empty seats behind the kicker. Otherwise, I'd move after a second polite warning to the back of her and start kicking her chair myself. Let her try what it feels like ;)

Movie theater etiquette - Chair kicking?performing shows opera theater

I always ask politely too. But if the wanker doesnt stop I go out to the customer service desk and demand a manager! I tell them that if they dont make her stop I want a refund and a credit.

There have been incidents when a friend has gone to get a drink and the come back and "accidently" spill it on the person. Such a shame.
My policy is, ask them once. If they dont stop, ask them again and make it clear that you are not messing around. After that, do with them what you will. If you have to unleash the fury on a stranger, so be it. Youre saving the next person they sit behind from the same treatment.
No chair kicking allowed.

I've gotten to where I no longer go to movies at popular times or wait a little while before seeing them.

I also report people. I'm sick of inconsiderate people.
if room was available, i would have moved after i had requested the person to stop it. i had to move a couple of years ago due to an annoying adult that wanted to chit chat with her friends about anything and everything. rude.
after asking politely two times, I head for the manager. Let him handle the rude person.
What I might have done in your position was, after informing her of her impoliteness and getting no results, I probably would have gone to speak to a manager. Just inform him/her that your movie is being rudely interrupted by a fellow patron and ask if there is anything he/she can do like speak to the customer or refund your tickets for a later date. No self-respecting business would actually want to lose business. They should be willing to try and make all their customers happy.
I am sorry you did not have an enjoyable movie experience. I, too, experienced chair kickers, talkers, etc.

You did the right things in asking her several times to stop. You can also do the following:

1. Get up and move, if possible. Even if you were there first, your movie experience will be more enjoyable if you move to another spot- hopefully a quiet one. I usually sit in the far back row for that reason. No one can kick my chair or talk behind me.

2. If you are still upset, and she persists, get up and get the manager. He/she can tell her to stop or move.

I have noticed in recent years, the manners and attitudes of movie goers have declined. I don't know if this is from sitting at home and watching movies on DVD or VHS. Maybe these yahoos forget where they are and talk and act as if they are at home. I don't go to movie very much now because of this. My movie experience has been less than enjoyable.

Sorry for your experience, too.
why didn't you get the manager???????????????

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