Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can you guess this for 10 points?

Mr moneybags the bank manager was not having a good day because he had just been robbed.A well dressed man had come in and asked to have a private talk with him and then gone on to leave him in quite a mess.The man had taken out a bottle full of nitroglycerine with 2 wires coming from it,an old fashioned clock face with no glass,2 hands and scratches all over its face, and a microphone.The clock said 11 and the man told him that the bomb would be active until the hands reached 12 at which time it would deactivate and the manager could escape.The man also made the bank manager hold the wires in between the thumb and finger of his right hand and told him that if he let go of the wire or pulled it the bomb would go off instantly,the microphone would blow it up if he made a noise.So saying the robber activated the bomb and told the manager that he would be gone with the money before the bomb became safe.He got halfway across the bank when the alarm was raised,how had the manager escaped?

Can you guess this for 10 points?chicago theater

He used his left hand to move the clock time to 12.

Can you guess this for 10 points?met opera opera theater

jump out a window
all of ye!
he escaped by the clock turned to 12
He turned the hands of the clock to 12:00. Thanks for the ten.
either he carried everything with him and raised the alarm or, since there was no glass on the clock face, he simply moved the hands with his left hand till the clock said 12:00.
He used his other hand to turn the bomb to 12

Or he hooked up the two wires together.
when the clock turned 12 he escaped
woah...LONG riddle dude
he put it on 12:00 with his left hand
um, he took the bomb w/ him?? or he moved it 2 12.
he instantly found out it was a fake bomb!
he just did
He knew it was a dud after the man gave him the wires because if it truly were to explode when you let go of the wires, how did the wires get in the nitroglycerine in the 1st place?

Is this dialogue about Bush is funny? (Part 1)?

“Hello Mr. President.” I said.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Nothing.” I answered. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”

“Well, it’s a little too late for that, huh! But go ahead, continue. By the way, what’s your name?”

“Umm…” I hesitated. “Uhh, Billary Minton.”

“Hey, that sounds like…oh forget it. It’s probably just me! You know how I am! Go on.”

“How do you do it?”

“How do I do what?”

“Be the President.”

“Oh! I didn’t know what you were talking about there for a second. Can you believe it! Anyway, it’s actually pretty simple. I suppose it’s kind of like pin the tail on the donkey. you just hope your pinning that tail on just the right spot. And the great part is, if you mess up, you get to try again and again. It usually takes me quite a few times. But I eventually…no, we always run out of time. But hey, at lest I try!”


“I know. Can you believe that I was the least educated cheerleader at Yale?

Is this dialogue about Bush is funny? (Part 1)?theater seating


Is this dialogue about Bush is funny? (Part 1)?lyric opera opera theater

That fact that the president is a dumbass is no laughing matter... instead of laughing at him, why don't you tutor him or something? He definitely needs it.

i can picture him like that!!!

Can Bill Gates and/or Microsoft disable programs?

If your computer came with Windows XP and you installed an Office program of your own, do you think Mr. Microsoft has a way of getting into your computer and disabling it? I have had some computers (desktops) that I have installed operating programs on and they work for about six months, then they start messing up and then the windows screen locks up. I'm beginning to think that it's possible.

Can Bill Gates and/or Microsoft disable programs?theatre tickets

Is there a way, yes, will he no. There is no reason for Microsoft to do anything to your computer so why would they? Even if you have an illegal copy of windows they just tell you it is counterfeit and refuse updates, they don't go after you unless you are selling or distributing it.

Also to do so is illegal.

Can Bill Gates and/or Microsoft disable programs?opera house opera theater

yeah but not like that, even microsoft aren't stupid enough to start intentionally crippling computers just to avoid competition - if anything they'll just stick to the tried and trusted technique they're well known for of buying out their competitors or running them out of business by bundling a free alternative with windows instead.

while (any) version of windows doesn't tend to be terribly stable anyways and will probably start to get bloated after about 18 months or so, this time period decreases VERY rapidly if the user(s) of the machine aren't very competent and the machine is connected to the internet.

i fix alot of computers, and 96% of them barely run because of spyware/adware/viruses and so on - basically things caused by the user not being very up on using the internet safely.

while microsoft have all kinds of hidden tricks programmed into windows for detecting pirated *microsoft* software (and hey we all know they're not the most ethical company around) i don't believe there's in-built code for disabling the programs of other companies.
microsoft have got in to any pc they want to they have done this for a long time and yes they can disable software and the software they disable is cracked software only
I'm sure there is a way, but the possibility that it will be YOU they'll mess with is very slim... I'd say there none at all.

I have OpenOffice installed on my system and have no problems whatsoever. In fact, it works better than MS Office. I'm still willing to try Office 2007 though, it's still free in Beta, and I heard a lot of good stuff about it. :)
Yeah they can but they won't do that...
Yes, Microsoft will and can if they desire shut down or disable your entire system if your platform fails the WGA, (Windows Genuine Advantage) tool test.

You must have a valid registration key. Owise they will not have any reason to mess with your hardware, software or platform.

If your platform is valid then you are having other software problems related to "office programs".

Minddoctor, France
I think that they may be able to though updates. Thats why you have a good firewall like zone alarm to prevent hackers. I never had this every happen to me though.
Well they COULD but why bother. You have to think of this into consideration though, the longer you have a computer the more errors it will encounter. As you install more programs, browse the internet, remove programs, it causes your registry to change, files to change, and settings to be changed on your computer that you may or not notice. And its no use hacking the everyday persons computer there is probably not much for them to lose.

Also you have to think about that people made these programs and that people are not perfect. The computer cannot be perfect cause people made it. So therefore it would not be unusual for it to do things it doesn't normally do sometimes. Perhaps there was a slight calculation that the person programming missed, after so many uses of that calculation it might lead to a error. Plus not everything is compatible with everything.

Kinda think of the computer as a human body it has several parts that rely on other parts. Have you ever had a sharp pain in your body for a couple of seconds and then never have it again. Sometimes you may take asprin for your headache. but does that mean it will never comeback. Sometimes you might fix stuff on your computer sometimes you may mess it more by thinking your fixing a simple problem. Computers are very high maintence if to keep everything running without error is your goal.
No, and I think that's a really silly question. Bill Gates isn't Mr. Microsoft, he was just smart enough to invent it. Microsoft can't get into your computer any more than I can.

Clean up your computer, get rid of junk files, run ad and spyware and clean the hard disk once in a while and your problems might go away. Lots of people have successfully downloaded, installed and operate openoffice free suites instead of buying Microsoft Office, and they work fine. If you don't clean up your computer oftener than 6 months, I'm surprised any software works.
Yes and no. Recently, Microsoft has step up its effort to stop piracy of their software. You may have heard of their Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) validation process. As of now, WGA validation is mandatory for both Windows operating systems (e.g. Windows XP) and Microsoft Office. Before, if a computer failed the validation process, a nagging message would appear informing the user that their copy of Windows OS and/ or Microsoft Office is not genuine but it will not disable the software. But this policy may change soon. In Windows Vista and Microsoft Office 2007, failure to activate your software within 30 day of installation, will cause the software to go in to the limited mode. In Vista, there will be many administrator tasks which can not be performed in the limited mode. In addition, in limited mode, Microsoft Office 2007 can only read documents; it can not create or edit any document and file.

Many computer experts believe Microsoft is moving in the direction of creating a so called "kill switch," which as the name suggests will disable the software if that software was found to be not genuine. Microsoft already has that "kill switch" capability they just haven't used it. The second part of the validation process is WGA Notifier. This program is responsible for displaying the "this version not genuine" message. But, there it also serves another function. WGA Notifier periodically communicates with Microsoft's servers to update itself. The program can easily be used to turn off any Microsoft software remotely. In the beginning, WGA Notifier would connect to Microsoft's servers daily. However, when some experts discovered this, there was a public outrage and Microsoft changed the program to only connect with its server every 90 days. The software is in place but will Microsoft use it?

Do you ever make prank phone calls?

Or do you think that's too juvenile and offensive? How about reverse prank phone calls, then. For example, the telemarketer calls you and then you start messing with him, saying stuff like "So how much do you get paid for this?" or "What's your favorite cereal that glows in the dark?"

I still remember when I was a wee little boy how I looked up in astonishment at the bravery of my friend's older brother, who randomly flipped through the phone book, found a person with the last name of Hamburger, and then called him up and said, "Mr. Hamburger, can I bite your head off?" Oh, and they even prank called the cops once, but that didn't end up well.

Do you ever make prank phone calls?hollywood theater

Me and my friends always call places like nabisco and ask for the snack fairy or whoever their character person is. I dont really think its bad or anything but some people just can't take a joke

Do you ever make prank phone calls? opera theater

i'm passed that. I don't try to harass someone trying to do their job. what goes around comes around
yeah . i did that last year all the time, except we ended up calling some guy in junior high, and i had to say in a really gurly voice " i luv u " like 20 times, but we never said anthing really 'messed' up .... i dont think it is to offensive unless someone insults you, because i have been prank called before, i think it is just something childish, but 'can' be fun.
Not since I was a kid. That was in the days before caller ID and star 67 or whatever. I do that occasionally with telemarketers when I'm in the mood. I'll ask really stupid questions or say totally irrelevant things. They always end up hanging up on me. That'll learn them for bugging me.
i used to record them on a tiny tape player long ago

then about 4-5 years ago i entered my digital phase of prank calls, haha

made an entire cd of em but that's just a few...pretty old

this before i even had a computer. I hooked one phone up to my cd recorder and used a 2nd phone to call on

i think these are halarious, pretty much because they came out so good (sound wise)

I had to go down to police station for one my friend did the day we made this

Cop said some old lady claimed we asked for her bank info and I almost told him,..."i got it on cd, i can prove we did not"


then we started calling people with our names and trying to talk to them like we knew them

It's not childish, it's halarious

reverse prank,..i still have not got a very good one but next telemarketer i will try to get them to call me back so i can set it up first

they usually don't call back though
sometimes when i was a teenager. but not these days anymore.
No way...much too juvenile. And I'm 15. But I think it's a waste of time, and pretty much pointless. It's not fair to the person on the other line either. How would you like someone prank calling you? That's what you have to think about. But my dad prank called as a kid. He told me stories and it's pretty funny when you hear someone else prank called, but I would never.
I did when I was little, but they were lame, whats a 7 yr old know about ordering pizza and giving the wrong addy? it was funny seeing the church have to turn them away xp
i prank all the time haha...only people i know though
don't you just want to dial the phone number that hs fu*k in it, like, you r fuc*ed, etc.etc and say; hello, did you know your number spells fu*k? n

lol, stupid, I know, but funny, yes.
Not today
Im 19 years old and you think someone my age would have grown out of it. but no, younger siblings always tend to make you join in what you once considered fun.... it still is.. LMAO!

I still make prank calls, just dial up random numbers and ask for Jack or Sunny.. then there's the whole "honey could you pick up my dry cleaning after work?" and then there's "Jacob i found a cheap earring in your pocket, are you fooling around.. etc.." it's lotsa fun, especially the part where the other person goes "uh.. im sorry!!" LMAO!

It's funny especially if you prank a mate!
No. But when I get stupid calls I give prank answers.

Do we owe South Vietnam recompense for 3 miilion + lives lost like we helped Japan after our WWII tr

The Vietnam War claimed more than just victims overseas - at home it claimed reforms aimed at lifting millions of people out of poverty.

Almost 3 million Americans served in Vietnam. Between 1965 and 1973 the United States spent $120 billion on the war. This resulted in a large federal budget deficit. The war demonstrated that no power, not even a superpower, has unlimited strength and resources. But perhaps most significantly, the Vietnam War illustrated that political will, as much as material might, is a decisive factor in the outcome of conflicts.

Aftermath for Vietnam people

More than one million Vietnam people became boat people, about one million was imprisoned in concentration camps, more than

100,000 killed.

Mr. McNamara’s studies in philosophy and especially morals and ethics allowed him to understand the principles of these ideas and rationalize them, perhaps even have regrets in terms of his failure to follow them within the institutional setting he served in. His desperate need to find favor in the eyes of his superiors led him to fulfill wishes and orders he did not agree with, yet he did not follow his conscience and quit. Had he done so, perhaps President Johnson would have quit earlier also. Since President Johnson did not run for re-election once McNamara was gone, perhaps this acted as an indicator that the whole mess could have been wrapped up much earlier without the tragedy of the outcome: 3.27 million Vietnamese dead, the equivalent representation of 27 million Americans in terms of population size comparison ratios at the time.

1.Had a conversation taken place, many lives (58,00 American/ 3.27 million Vietnamese) would have been saved from needlessly being wasted to support the Military Industrial Complex. (“Why We Fight”, 2005)

Do we owe South Vietnam recompense for 3 miilion + lives lost like we helped Japan after our WWII travesties?

You have obviously done your research for your question, and you deserve a good answer.

You are correct that U.S. involvement in Vietnam could have been much different had there been more negotiations and less of Johnson's pride on the line. As McNamara basically indicated, Johnson picked a fight that didn't need to be fought, fought the fight without the objective of winning it and didn’t listen to sound advice from his advisers.

There is plenty of evidence that the Vietnam conflict would have been much different if Kennedy was not assassinated. Few know that Kennedy ordered the recall of some military advisers from Vietnam shortly before his assassinated and one of Johnson's first acts as president was to rescind that order. It's now common knowledge that the Gulf of Tonkin incidents were fabricated, which led to Johnson receiving support to escalate U.S. involvement to full combat.

As for your question of whether or not we owe Vietnam reparation for what the U.S. had done there during the War. The answer is no, and the reason is more simple and obvious than most realize.

The U.S., South Vietnam, North Vietnam and the NLF (Viet Cong) signed a peace treaty that was to end the War and further hostilities in Vietnam. Within the agreement were actions that could be taken if hostilities resurfaced or continued. Long story short - the peace treaty was breached by North Vietnam when the NVA invaded South Vietnam. Breaching the peace treaty made North Vietnam as the aggressor and absolved the U.S. from any further responsibilities in Vietnam, which included cleaning up the mess there. Everything would have been much different if North Vietnam didn't breach the peace treaty.

North Vietnam clearly had the option to abide the peace and receive support from the U.S. but they chose not to by invading and conquering South Vietnam. This left the U.S. with only a moral obligation to assist Vietnam. Arguably, the moral obligation can be enough to assume responsibility especially with the continuing devastation that only American ingenuity can resolve.

Do we owe South Vietnam recompense for 3 miilion + lives lost like we helped Japan after our WWII travesties?opera mobile opera theater

you should go help em, they chose the Chinese over a democracy.
There is no more South Vietnam and we owe them nothing. We paid with more than 58,000 of our best. Any debt that we had (if any): PAID IN FULL.
Yes, and as I heard USA was also condemned for the agression against the people of Nicaragua.
No, we owe them nothing.
A better question is does South Vietnam and the former Axis powers owe us anything? After all didn't Japan START ww2 with the destrution of 8 of our battleships and the loss of over 2500 American lives?

And we spent billions on the economy of South Vietnam when we were there. Oh and the reason there were boat people is because we reneged on our promise to help when the North launched their invasion of the South. Johnston and his friends would have been better off getting out in 63. It would have saved a lot.
Blah blah blah.

It was France's fault. Blame them.

Their "colony". Their "problem" that they couldn't control.

How about asking China and Russia to compensate, they were the ones supplying the north, financially, technologically, with training, keeping supplies hidden across their border so that we couldn't strike at them, publicly.

Ya, didn't think you would. You don't care about the truth, just that the US gets the shaft needlessly.
after our travesties during WW2? what are you talking about? japan is the one that committed huge travesties during WW2 along with the Germans, not us. but back to south Viet Nam, i looked at my world atlas and i can't find any such country it doesn't exist. so no we don't owe them anything. as for the boat people as i recall growing up out side of Seattle during the 70's we had a big influx of kids in my school from south east Asia, because we let them into our country with the status of refugees, and political asylum. guess what else their families came with them too. know something else the federal government gave them huge amounts of monetary and social aid. you forgot to mention the aid we provided to the huge amount of refugees that came over here as you call them boat people.

As you can tell from the answers, Americans have been indoctrinated to accept the Conventional Wisdom that U.S. Foreign Policy (Imperialism/ Military Empire-737 bases in 130 countries) is beyond question and is noble.

"There is a hard core of people in the United States who will not be moved, whatever facts you present, from their conviction that this nation means only to do good, and almost always does good, in the world, that it is the beacon of liberty and freedom."

Howard Zinn
Most of South Vietnam is in the United States! I guess if we paid them we could send the checks using the first class mail rather than international rates. At least the US would save money on the postage.

We tried negotiating with the North Vietnamese. It got no where until Nixon ordered the resumption of the bombing of the North. Once we left the NVA broke the agreement and invaded south Vietnam. So "talking" to them would have netted the US and South Vietnam nothing.

McNamara is engaging in revisionism in an attempt to rewrite his pace in history. He sounds like one of the old ex-Nazi Generals in their memoirs after World War 2 "if only Hitler had have listened to me!"

The McNamara moral is government by intellectuals is a failure.
Damn gooks are still trying to rob Americans.
Financially no

Morally yes (stupid protestors - could have seen victory for the U.S and its allies if not for you - shame!)

But other than that, no-one owes anything but respect

MOM (Mean Old Mother)?


My son came home from school one day,

with a smirk upon his face.

He decided he was smart enough,

to put me in my place.

Guess what I learned in Civics Two,

that's taught by Mr. Wright?

It's all about the laws today,

The "Children's Bill of Rights."

It says I need not clean my room,

don't have to cut my hair.

No one can tell me what to think,

or speak, or what to wear.

I have freedom from religion,

and regardless what you say,

I don't have to bow my head,

and I sure don't have to pray.

I can wear earrings if I want,

and pierce my tongue %26amp; nose.

I can read %26amp; watch just what I like,

get tattoos from head to toe.

And if you ever spank me,

I'll charge you with a crime.

I'll back up all my charges,

with the marks on my behind.

Don't you ever touch me,

my body's only for my use,

not for your hugs and kisses,

that's just more child abuse.

MOM (Mean Old Mother)?opera music

I am going to print this out, and tape it to the refrigerator for my kids to see....

thanks for the laugh, needed that...

MOM (Mean Old Mother)?opera sheet music opera theater

hahaha, i haven't heard this before! It seriously made me laugh!

Something my mom would do. haha
Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
never mess with mom's they know and see everything!!! hahaha thats a good one have a star :)
yeah right on
haha. i wish my mom was as clever. then i wouldn't have been this screwed up.
oh this is great. a well deserved star!
that was so funny! i'm copying this and putting it on my Y!A prof, if you don't mind, because it's so good. did you make that up yourself?

What drink shall it be, and what is your actual favorite!?

What drink describes your love life...

GATORADE: down to mess around

ROCKSTAR: broken heart

RED BULL: taken

COKE: confused

PINK LEMONADE: Like someone


ORANGE JUICE: you're about to simply give up

SPRITE: you're secretly a crime fighting ninja turtle.

VODKA: TAKEN and love that person with all your heart and couldn't love them more

PEPSI: like someone who likes you back but are not going out.

ROOT BEER: taken but not very steady

TEQUILA: want someone you can't have

DR.PEPPER: you just like dr.pepper so much.

and you want some

SMIRNOFF: like sum1 and u think they like you back

MR. PIBB: single and happy

JACK DANIELS: kinda confused on who you like

CORONA: single %26amp; just having fun right now..but maybe if someone comes along then we'll see what happens

WATER: single and can't get anyone

What drink shall it be, and what is your actual favorite!?phantom of the opera

Corona and Tequila.

What drink shall it be, and what is your actual favorite!?listen to opera opera theater

Tequilla Slammers

What the hell happened here ?

Yesterday I invited you all over for some Texas hash.

Gagan said he was bringing the beer. Two hours later he finally found my place and he only had one and a half beers left !

I didn't even know Buk was coming but I saw someone who looked a lot like him taking a whiz in my wife's flower bed.

Somebody shaved the cat, the toilet's stopped up and the dog is afraid to go outside !

That must have been a good time ! I fell asleep in the hammock and woke up to this mess.

Somebody needs to come and help clean this up before my wife gets home today !

And where did the statue of Mr. Bojangles come from ?

What the hell happened here ?soap opera

Aww man, that was my bad... next time I'll get a 12 pack.. it was my bad. I have to say though, that Texas Hash was damned tasty! :-)

To my defense, I was only One and a half hours late.. and ok, I'll help clean up, it was fun times! We don't want the wifey to get upset...

PS - You're a good host, even when you're asleep on the hammock..

What the hell happened here ?city opera opera theaterMy house it is. but I'm not tidying up before you get here! :-) Report It

Sorry I had to get Mr. Bojangles out of my car!
Just gonna finish this crate of stella and i'll be right over to help!

Tell the dog, i'm sorry
Sorry about the mess, but I am only responsible for shaving the cat. I also used your toothbrush to clean his teeth and one other thing, maybe you have not noticed as yet, but his meow should be a few octaves higher and I bet he stays closer to home. No need need for thanks. Had a great time.

P.S. Check the dog. He may not be afraid to leave the house, just has no reason to.

So why is it that Rudy is the only one with the cahonies to take on MoveOn.Org?

Sure, Mr. Swiftboat and Nancy Pelosi made comments against them, and rightly so, but no one else will step up to the plate. Where's Hillary? Where's John Edwards? Where's John Mcain? Where's Mit Romney?

That being the case, if no one else will tango with MoveOn.Org, what's going to happen when we need to really step up to the plate and face Russia, or China, Iran, Syria, Turkey, N. Korea, and whatever other country wants to mess around with us?

So why is it that Rudy is the only one with the cahonies to take on MoveOn.Org?opera mini will tell them what to do.

So why is it that Rudy is the only one with the cahonies to take on MoveOn.Org?passions soap opera opera theater

What cahonies, its pure politics. The radical right is trying to demonize free speech and dissent in this country. I support Moveon's ad.
He's a republican.we tend to have a spine.
they have more important things to do, like spearhead a presidential nomination campaign, than worry about what some website says.

It is the only leg he has to stand on. The other leg is holding his "great accomplishments", during the 9/11 attacks.


Ghouliani is a walking joke.
You give waaaay too much credit.

It's like asking "why don't people take on Rosey? Or Charlie Sheen?"
Obama criticized the ad, and said that it only gave fodder to the Republicans. So that's 3 others, and your questions ask why is Rudy the only one to criticize moveon's ad.
Before this is all over with, MoveOn will castrate rudy!!!
Um, because they pretty much pay Hillary's salary..."the democratic party is bought and paid for"...and republicans have the luxury of ignoring them. Besides, is good for Republicans since it a) owns the left whose actions and approval ratings reflect that fact and b) well, refer to 'a'. It's all good.

Aah~its so hard! k, this is like super!?

So. Guy problems suck~heres the thing:

guy 1~i've never actually met :) we've been takling over email for like, a year (pathetic, i know) and we keep saying we wanna meet, but we never have b/c we're both super busy. He seems like mr. perfect, ya know? Funny, sweet, and just amazing. The thing is, there's too much drama! his best friend that's a girl (my friend, also how i met him) is always trying to mess things up between us~her latest trick? telling him i said/did something i didnt so now he basically hates me or so she says b/c i havent talked to him since she told me that. i's weird tho, b/c she goes back %26amp; forth from supporting to destroying. wat is the deal?? lol

guy 2~i've known for over 2 years b/c we went to the same middle/high school. he's really funny and hot too, but has the HUGEST ego EVER! lol the problem w/him is he goes back %26amp; forth between being all over me to ttly ignoring in favor of a couple of my friendds who he's known longer %26amp; hung out w/more.

Aah~its so hard! k, this is like super!?extension

guy#1 - just arrange to meet him and just cut meddling girl out of the loop. see if you want to be together, for real, and forget all of this 'emailed each other for a year' crap. just ACT !

guy#2 - immature, won't make you happy. wait till he grows up a bit and can appreciate someone who wants to be with him.

guy#3 - a stoner who falls in love with you in a week? i wouldn't trust any emotions that were fermented in a drug-haze. have fun and hang out if that's what you want, but not a guy to get serious about. wait till he gets serious about himself, first.

Aah~its so hard! k, this is like super!?movie theater opera theater

wow, i say find someone with less drama.

Music Class is a pain in the *** how do not be nervious?

I didn't choose to take this class but my elective class mates and I all shifted to a different teacher and a different subject

I take music with Mr.Strouse (name is spelt wrong)

I hat his class...The first day I went to his class I was the first student to answer one of his questions correctly...But...

The class after that I didn't understand it at all...

My last class I was choose on to answer a question or a music problem (what notes can go into 4 over 4 and what notes can go into 3 over 4....

At first I didn't understand what he was talking about but then he said I needed more than one note and as I went on he said what I was saying didn't make any sense....

I dislike his class very much...I was also choosen to read a paper out loud...I was nervious so I kept studdering and messing up and people kept giggling...after class I told him I was having trouble and he just said dont worry about it your doing fine...I take my next class tomorrow...I am so scared..

Music Class is a pain in the *** how do not be nervious?secure browser

Don't worry about them (other students), just focus on learning and having fun, you'll be great!

Music Class is a pain in the *** how do not be nervious?home theater opera theater

well if you get nervous just tell yourself do this and get it over with as soon as possible. if you get nervous in front of a class try talking to your friends or... be the first to give a speech in language arts (writing and reading) and be confident in what you say. the studdering problem is something that can be solved by confidence. mainly the point of this is be confident in what you and and your speaking abilities

ps i had the same problem if you have the time take a public speaking class. it helped my confidence
i play in a band too. (skool band) and yeah its a pain... at first i was REALLY nervous too. but what i did was jus pretend i was by myself instead of in front of the crowd, and jus take deep breaths... trust me, it helps!

Sounds like you got embarrassed. It'll be fine, don't worry too much about it. Just keep on studying and learning. It will pass soon enough. Everyone makes mistakes sometiems, it's normal.
Trust your teacher. If he says youre doing fine, believe him. Music theory is a difficult subject. Maybe a tutor would help. The biggest key to not being nervous is knowing you are well prepared.

- a university music professor
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Do you like the Clintons for President?

Remember this when she runs for President

Bill %26amp; Hillary: Worth remembering and this came from a Democrat.

Dear Mr. Ex President Clinton:

I recently saw a bumper sticker that said, "Thank me, I voted for Clinton-Gore." So, I sat down and reflected on that, and I am sending my "Thank you" for what you have done, specifically:

1. Thank you for introducing us to Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Dolly Kyle Browning, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broderick. Did I leave anyone out?

2. Thank you for teaching my 8 year old about oral sex. I had really planned to wait until he was a little older to discu ss it with him, but now he knows more about it than I did as a senior in college.

3. Thank you for showing us that sexual harassment in the work place (especially the White House) and on the job is OK, and all you have to know is what the meaning of "is" is. It really is great to know that certain sexual acts are not sex, and one person may have sex while the other one does NOT have sex.

4. Thank you for reintroducing the concept of impeachment to a new generation and demonstrating that the ridiculous plot of the movie; "Wag the Dog" could be plausible after all.

5. Thanks for making Jimmy Carter look competent, Gerald Ford look graceful, Richard Nixon look honest, Lyndon Johnson look truthful, and John Kennedy look moral.

6. Thank you for the 73 House and Senate witnesses who have pled the 5th Amendment and 17 witnesses who have fled the country to avoid testifying about Democratic campaign fund raising.

7. Thank you, for the 19 charges, 8 convictions, and 4 imprisonments from the Whitewater "mess" and the 55 criminal charges and 32 criminal convictions (so far) in the other " Clinton" scandals.

8. Thanks also for reducing our military by half, "gutting" much of our foreign policy, and flying all over the world on "vacations" carefully disguised as necessary trips.

9. Thank you, also, for "finding" millions of dollars (I really didn't need it in the first place, and I can't think of a more deserving group of recipients for my hard-earned tax dollars) for all of your globe-trotting. I understand you, the family and your cronies have logged in more time aboard Air Force One than any other administration.

10. Now that you've left the White House, thanks for the 140 pardons of convicted felons and indicted felons-in-ex ile. We will love to have them rejoin society. (Not to mention the scores you pardoned while Governor of Arkansas )

11. Thanks also for removing the White House silverware. I'm sure that Laura Bush didn't like the pattern anyway. Also, enjoy the housewarming gifts you've received from your "friends."

12. Thanks to you and your staff in the West Wing of the White House for vandalizing and destroying government property on the way out. I also appreciate removing all of that excess weight ( China , silverware, linen, towels, ash trays, soap, pens, magnetic compass, flight manuals, etc.) out of Air Force 1. The weight savings means burning less fuel, thus less tax dollars spent on jet fuel. Thank you!

13. And finally, please ensure that Hillary enjoys the $8 million dollar advance for her "tell-all " book and you, Bill, the $10 million advance for your memoirs. Who says crime doesn't pay?

14. The last and most important point - thank you for forcing Israe l to let Mohammed Atta go free. Terrorist pilot Mohammed Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tri! ed and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political prisoners". However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands. The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released. Thus Mohammed Atta was freed and eventually thanked the US by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center . This was reported by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified. It was censored in the US from all later reports. Why shouldn't Americans know the real truth?

What a guy!


A US Citizen

PS. Please pass along a special thank you to Al Gore for "inventing" the Internet, without which I would not be able to send th is wonderful, factual e-mail.


It's common knowledge that in order for her to establish NY residency, they purchased a million dollar-plus house in upscale Chappaqua , New York . Makes sense. They are entitled to Secret Service protection for life. Still makes sense.

Here is where it becomes interesting. Their mortgage payments hover at around $10,000 per month. BUT, an extra residence HAD to be built within the acreage to house the Secret Service agents.

The Clintons charge the Federal government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of that extra residence, which is just about equal to their mortgage payment. This means that we, the taxpayers, are paying the Clinton 's salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security, as well as the salaries for their 12 man staff -- and, this is all perfectly legal!

When she runs for President, will you vote for her?

How many people can YOU send this to? Unfortunately s ome will read it and not care but just maybe this will get through to others.

Do you like the Clintons for President?opera singer

I really liked this one and will pass it on to as many people as i can to have them read this, thanks.

Do you like the Clintons for President?amc theater opera theater

vote for freaking too much to read
No, Hillary mite start dating Arnold........
Obama All the way!!!
Thank you for posting this.

The Clintons are criminals.
I DON'T want them back in the White House! Their supporters conveniently for get all you mentioned. I want to make a copy of this to share with my friends!
give me my ******* 5 minutes of my life back.

yes because bush cheated to become president by his brother making up names and voting.also clintons were providing everything.
I don't like either of the Clintons, but I'd sure as hell vote for one of them over any Republican. I like your rant though, it's funny - and true.
Let's put it like this-I haven't voted in twenty years. I just registered one month ago, I'll be voting as an Independent. Why? I'm voting for ANYONE including Mickey Mouse that runs AGAINST her. That lady is scary, wants Socialism.

How can anyone want Slick Willy harvesting young female interns again.
Hell no, I will not vote for a Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Hell no will I vote for a man who refuses to put his hand over his heart for the National Anthem. Which would be Osama oops I mean Obama.

When in the military we had to wonder if would get paid because of Bill Clinton wanting to screw over the Armed Services anyway he could. So why would I want to see another Clinton in office.

Shows you where this country is headed when I get a thumbs down because I express my opinion on Obama NOT putting is hand over heart for the National Anthem. As a Military Veteran this just gets by blood boiling!!!!!
I hate to burst your bubble but you are NOT the originator on those "reason to thank Clinton".

You need to-

#1- get a life

#2 - Be original

#3 - tell us something we don't already know.
I will absolutely never vote for her! They tore apart the morals in our society and we will have to work generations to get it back!
I truly believe Hilary will be a great President. Bill and her have both been there before, so they don't have to waste time acclimating, we'll be getting a two for one deal. They are both really smart. As for their prior problems... Who is perfect? I want a real person in the White House. Not a robot. If you don't make mistakes, then you're hiding something!
I hope Hilary wins. Its time to return to sanity
Yes, I will vote for her and think that her husband did a great job as president.

"Childhood Poverty Is Found to Portend High Adult Costs?

KENNEDY: In the New York Times today: "Childhood Poverty Is Found to Portend High Adult Costs." Here it is in the newspaper today, just what we've been talking about! The United States! The highest poverty rate for children of any industrial nation in the world!

RUSH: Stop the tape! Let's compare poverty, shall we? You want to examine the average poverty stricken person in America with the average poverty stricken person anywhere else on the planet? Senator Kennedy, you're not talking apples and apples. But he gets even more histrionic here as things go on.

KENNEDY: Who's delaying? Who's opposing? Who's using every kind of parliamentary tactic known to every possibly parliamentarian to delay action on the increase in minimum wage! It lies right at the feet, right at the feet of the Republican leadership! Make no mistake about it. Make no mistake about it!

RUSH: That's exactly right -- and we are applauding it here, senator! What is he upset about? He's upset that there are tax breaks for small business in the minimum wage bill. There aren't such tax breaks in the House bill, but they have been added in the Senate because there is a cost to small business, and they simply want to get some tax breaks so as to be able to afford the increase in the minimum wage without having to fire anybody! Of course, we can't have tax cuts, and so Senator Kennedy is out there saying this a filibuster, filibuster, filibuster, by amendment, make no mistake about it! It's a filibuster by amendment! He this one continued.

KENNEDY: What do we tell them after five days: $200 billion more in tax cuts here; $35 billion more in tax cuts here; $8 billion more tax cuts for HSAs! How many more billions of dollars do we have to give you, Mr. Republican? How many more dollars do we have to give you to get an increase in the minimum wage?

RUSH: Ha-ha-ha! Whatever we can get, senator, because it's not your money, and you're not giving it to anybody! You are stealing it! That's what taxation is, particularly exorbitant taxation. I saw a story about taxes in California. I had it in the stack. Tax revenues are down. There was a line in the story that said the state "earned," blah, blah, X, X, from tax revenues. The state didn't "earn" anything! It wouldn't have the money if it hadn't taxed people for it. I'd love to be able to "earn" money that way, just go tell the people, "You owe me X," every month and then call it earnings. Senator Kennedy asks, "How much money do we have to give you Republicans"? It's not your money, and you don't "give" it! The objective here, senator, is to see to it that more and more of people's money never gets to you in the first place! That's the purpose of tax cuts, but here again, you shouldn't be surprised because small business is on the Democrats' enemies list. Big Oil is, and Big Pharma, and try this. I was reading something in the New York Post today.

They're going after Big Pharmaceuticals. They just can't stand them, and the government is now wanting to negotiate prices for Medicare, which means (heh-heh) that the drug companies will not be allowed to recoup investments in the R%26amp;D of new drugs! I think one of the companies mentioned here is Pfizer. Pfizer has a lot of drugs that their patents will be expiring and that means anybody can make them and go generic on them within the next, oh, few short years. It's going to add up to $14 billion in lost revenue and Pfizer is going to be laying off, in the New York area, 600 workers and 10,000 nationwide -- and of course, that's not good enough for the Democrats. They've gotta inflict even more damage. Anyway, Dingy Harry got in on this. I was just watching it here at the top of the hour, and he was whining and moaning about $350 billion in tax cuts for the minimum wage. "This two dollars an hour increase in minimum wage, why, this is important! People could use that money to go buy health care," and I about made a mess in my pants! You going to go out and buy health care, with a minimum wage increase of two dollars an hour that phases in over three years? Buy health care? If health care is that cheap, I want to know where!


RUSH: Now: "Business lobbyists believe that lawmakers will ultimately strip from Senate minimum wage legislation any sanctions against companies caught hiring illegal immigrants. Whether they can keep it out of immigration laws is another matter. The Senate 94-0 vote yesterday inserted a federal contracting ban for businesses that violate immigration law into a bill that would raise the minimum wage," and the provision was offered by a good guy, Jeff Sessions, Senator Jeff Sessions from Alabama. Under this amendment, "companies caught hiring illegal workers while on a federal contract would be banned from government work for ten years. Other companies discovered with illegal workers would be prohibited from getting federal contracts for seven years," and I'm telling you big business is howling. They are screeching! They think they might be able to get this taken out of the minimum wage bill, but they're not so sure they can keep it out of any further immigration bill or additional immigration.

I told you last year that one of the problems Republicans have is that whole bunch of Republicans in big business want illegals flooding the country for the cheap labor aspect of it, and you thought, "It's not that many, Rush. Come on!" I'm telling you, it is. Labor costs? It's the number one cost of every business! The lower you can make 'em, the better. It's just axiomatic.

"Childhood Poverty Is Found to Portend High Adult Costs?met opera

Right that is an argument Kennedy is using in trying to get the increase in the minimum wage passed. I agree with him and see his pt.

"Childhood Poverty Is Found to Portend High Adult Costs?movie theatre opera theater

And your question is?

If this is about stopping poverty, it can be stopped. Everyone will say there is no money to which a response could be, redirect all the monies being spent in Iraq and Afghanistan to obliterate poverty. I see this as a "win win" - we bring our troops home now and we conquer a most serious problem.

Do you think it's time for "The View" to end it's Show?

Personally, To me it was time for it to end before the 10th season, this season has been a Joke, It's time to kill the view and stop kissing BW's behind, and to think they brought rosie on to get good ratings; it's just more trashier daytime mess. After Rachel Ray's show I hit the Power button, and have you seen the way they treat the guest hostesses? they can never get a word in unless they're yelling it or trying to talk above the main figures there. At this point, I'm still wondering why people like Rosie and Joy exist in the world. GET RID OF THE VIEW, put something better on and give us a break with Barbara W, just MAKE her retire, she's killing the ABC network, I'm tired of seeing her morning, noon and night. And to Mr Donald Trump........ GO get her, its' about time, someone has brought her bull to the light, and hopefully this will shut her UP Finally. Even better, just crazy glue her mouth shut.

Do you think it's time for "The View" to end it's Show?lyric opera

Yes and somebody should help the world to eradicate Elizabeth and her bullsh!t politics.

Do you think it's time for "The View" to end it's Show?imax theater opera theater

Personally...I still like it.
Super glue works better. Who even watches that show? I tried once and it did not take me long to click the remote.
the show was never too good and never deserved to be on the air but you know its over *** soon as rosie o'donnel or what ever her name is to the show.
Actually, the time for The View to end was right before they hired Rosie. She is such a jerk...
Ok then I guess you don't like the View right?
I agree whole heartedly. I stoppped liking Rosie after her talk show.
personally I dont think it should have started
i never cared for the show, they all talked at the same time and i couldn't understand half of it and now they have that big mouthed

crazy Rosie - it's a disaster waiting to happen

Bush vs. America; Who are you rooting for?

Bush vs. America

by Jack Lessenberry

George W. Bush is more and more frequently referred to as “the worst president in the history of America” by those who know the background and pay attention to what’s going on. However, that description may be too mild.

We may need an entirely new classification. For more than five years we’ve had an administration that has shown consistent contempt for the rule of law, for the Constitution, for Congress, for the American people and for the facts. They’re squandering trillions of dollars, the effects of which will be felt much more severely in the decades to come.

They have failed to catch the mastermind of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and instead have helped increase that nasty band of thugs with our ham-handed tactics. We have ruined Iraq, doing far more damage to it than Saddam Hussein ever dreamed of. Hundreds of thousands are dead.

All for a war which we are doomed to lose, in a country we’ll leave once somebody in Washington calculates that the voters won’t put up with any more dead Americans, a number which will reach 4,000 in three months or so.

So far, the corpse count hasn’t excited many Georgetown or Ann Arbor cocktail parties, because in this war, those fighting are mostly inner-city blacks, jobless rural whites and Hispanics who are trying to earn their way to citizenship.

Eventually, however, even the liberals may start to get uneasy. Last week, in what should have been a sudden epiphany for the half-asleep, this administration gave us a sharp lesson in just how thoroughly corrupt it is.

That was when Our Supreme Leader announced he was commuting the sentence of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, who was sentenced to 30 months in the slam after being convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice. Libby, you may remember, was the former chief of staff for Vice President Richard Cheney.

Libby leaked to the press, presumably at his master’s direction, that the blond bombshell Valerie Plame was an undercover CIA agent. This was printed, which destroyed her effectiveness and career, as they intended it would. Why did the Bush administration want to do that?

Simple. Her husband, a former ambassador named Joseph Wilson, had angered the Bushies by telling the truth publicly, which was that his investigation revealed that Saddam Hussein had never tried to buy uranium from Niger.

Libby was tried, convicted and duly sentenced by an experienced and fair federal judge. Previously, the Shrub had said he would do nothing till the appeals process had run its course. Something, however, happened to change his mind.

After five years of trying to govern by propaganda, George Bush suddenly decided that a strong dose of George Orwell’s doublespeak is exactly what was needed instead. “I respect the jury’s verdict,” he said, and in his next breath showed he didn’t respect the jury, or the judge, in the slightest, by adding, “I have concluded that the prison sentence given to Mr. Libby is excessive.”

Never mind that our intellectually challenged and allegedly dyslexic prexy never set foot in law school, or that the Constitution gives the responsibility for determining sentences and punishment to the courts. That doesn’t matter because, as he sees it and likes to say, “I am the decider.”

But why now? The normally cautious New York Times openly speculated Bush could be worried about what Libby might say once he realized he was at the tender mercies of the guards and his fellow convicts.

For a little perspective, let’s compare this with what actually happened in Watergate, the only scandal that ever actually brought a president down.

What few remember now is that Watergate actually was sort of a comic-opera bugging episode in which a band of Cuban exiles, under the supervision of whacked-out former spy Howard Hunt, tried to bug the Democratic National Committee offices one night in June 1972. This was immensely stupid, since it was perfectly clear the Democratic nominee, George McGovern, was going to lose by a landslide.

They were caught in the act; Hunt was stupid enough to have the White House’s phone number in his pocket. Eventually, Nixon ordered an illegal and clumsy attempt at covering the mess up - and taped himself doing it. Yes, he did other bad stuff, but what I just told you was the essence of why he had to resign. That, and the fact the tape showed he was a real potty-mouth. In that long-ago time, Americans never imagined Their President could possibly be a man who would say “**********.”

George W. Bush is a man who has constructed secret prisons and authorized torture - not only here but in other countries. He started a war and lied about why. He has invaded our privacy illegally, authorizing wiretaps in a way forbidden by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. When all that was needed was to ask a secret court for rubber-stamp permission, he didn’t even do that.

What America - what all of us - needs to ask now is this:

? Why isn’t Congress - right now - authorizing committees to investigate what this president and vice president knew and when they knew it? (House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers: Your move, sir.)

? Why aren’t journalists in America demanding an investigation to what seems to be an organized cover-up and obstruction of justice?

? Why doesn’t someone - Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin, say - demand the White House explain its strategy for the Iraq War?

That strategy seems to consist of having our soldiers drive up and down the roads, getting blown up, until one day the insurgents adopt democracy.

We have a world crisis and a sick democracy at home, and our puppet masters are cleverly amusing us to death with Paris Hilton.

Bush vs. America; Who are you rooting for?opera house

Rooting for America!!

Her citizens and constitution!!


Bush vs. America; Who are you rooting for?dream theater opera theater


I can't wait till we can say

USA or hillary, who are you for
I'm rooting for America one thousand percent! And I truly believe that our nation is so great and our Founding Fathers were so brilliant that our country will even survive this joke of a president and come out stronger than ever before.

We Americans are good hearted, we have common sense and in the end we will do the right thing. Sometimes it takes a while for us to wake up--some few never do--but once awakened, we take the right steps.

GO, AMERICA! January 21, 2009--hang in there.
I am done with Bush bashing I think the bigger problem is with the Republican party Inc. as a whole and how they let someone like this get this far.

Outs a secret agent, calls Dems weak, stops tracking Osama, declares Mission Accomplished, lies about WMD's, lets our vets rot in hospitals, Lets Al queda get stronger, loses the war in Iraq, lets Gonzales spy on Americans without warrants, commutes a convicted Liar, lets Halliburton and Exxon make record profits, and then blames Dems.
You know you really ought to read the truth before you spout off. Wilson lied, his wife was not an agent, just a desk worker, matter of fact whoever knew him knew his wife worked at CIA. Also Bush has explained his strategy for iraq, many times, you just don't see fit to listen.

Libby was not pardoned, his sentence was commutted, a power that presidents have had for many years. Ask Clinton how he used it.

And its not our "masters" amusing us with Paris, its the Media that has decided that this person is newsworthy,
how he ever got elected to a second term will baffle me forever....this country is in deep chit,,,,write your senator, congressman or woman and scream, shout, plead for something to be done with this moron.

may God bless America
It should always be America, the President is just a person so even if we were to wind up with the Hildabeast, McCain, or any of the other candidates or presidents of the future, it always has to be America first.

But you don't care about America, you only care about bashing Bush, you ask all of these WHY questions, so Why don't you just accept the fact that GWB will be out of office in January 2009.

I hope that Jeb Bush throws his hat into the ring and then faces Al Gore in the Presidential Elections, then I hope that Al loses again because he lost the votes in Florida.

Why can't we have that ??

Thanks for all of the thumbs down, I wish that Y/A kept track of these because they are proof that I am right.
Bush is effectively giving the American people the finger and doesn't care who knows it. As long as he is commander in-chief which in his sick mind makes him king then there is little we can do besides being able to recognize the propaganda being put out by his cohorts and the controlled media.......
Is this a question or your efforts at a novel? Bush is for America, thus no Bush VS America. Bush talks and talks but none of the Dems Listen because he doesn't say what they want to hear. It was like this with Clinton and the Republicans. Its Politics, neither side listens to the other, thus the problems we are having.... Quit bashing and get active doing whatever you can to help the rest of us AMERICANS figure out how to save ourselves from politicians not the other party.

How can you accept yourself despite immense self-hatred?

I honestly don't like the way I am. I'm such a weak guy, and have been messed with elementary through high school, and even a little bit of college. Even though I look tough, when people find out the way I really am, they're severely disappointed and lose all respect for me, because they expect me to be someone tough, and I'm not. Even though people exercise to get stronger, no matter how much I exercise, I still have such a "weak" personality, and I'm scared of conflict. I just don't have the will to do anything, and people expect me to be "Mr. happy" despite them not knowing what I go through and my circumstances.

There's sooo much problems I have with myself, but I don't feel like typing them all. It would take days literally, so ppl... How can I learn to accept myself??

How can you accept yourself despite immense self-hatred?

I'm a former Royal Marines Commando, and served on active service three times during my 14 years 'stint'. I am also an ex-professional wrestler and night club bouncer trainer (as well, obviously, as doing the job myself), so you'd think I was really tough, wouldn't you? But I'm not really, it's mostly all show. EVERYONE, unless they're a mindless idiot, feels fear, or weakness and definitely apprehension, when confronted with possible physical confrontation, and the tendency is to be disgusted with yourself because of it, but it's that fear or apprehension, that gives you the power of flight or fight (common sense will decide which is which at the time). You just need a bit more confidence at the moment, which you will get naturally and which will get stronger as you grow older. An excellent way to start is to join a local Martial Arts club, where every member who has joined knew nothing to start with remember. It will teach you self discipline, healthy exercise and, most of all, 'confidence' and self worth, and prepare you better to face and cope with the everyday problems (and enjoyments, don't forget) that we all have to face from time to time. Go for it pal, and bloody good luck to you!!

How can you accept yourself despite immense self-hatred?amc theatre opera theaterHi, young_pain. Thanks for choosing me as best answer, I'm truly flattered. But, unless there's a good reason for "trying it later", don't put it off. DO IT NOW! %26amp; remember, "failure cannot win with persistence". Again, good luck old mate!! Report It

stop. nothing in the past matters, as you have no control over changing it. you only have control over the future. choose to accept yourself, do something positive every day, and try to be more optimistic. regret will kill you man, just let it go. i've done some horrible, hateful things in my past but there is just nothing you can do about that. we all grow as human beings so let yourself evolve into the one you want to be. peace hommie.
The more assertive you become, the more respect you will have with yourself...I am the same way, and having a child changed some of that for me. I had to stand up for him and myself to be able to be the parent that I wanted to become. I am not saying that I want you to have a child. I am saying that something will happen that will make you become assertive.

Also, are you not happy with yourself or are you just not happy that other people are not happy with you? If you truly are not happy with yourself, start writing down what you notice. For example, if you come across an emotion that you are feeling and are not quite sure where it is coming from, write it down and what happened right before that. Do some soul searching, is there something that happened in the past that causes you to fear confrontation? are you afraid of people not liking you or being mad at you? Where does this fear come from?

Journaling may sound a bit feminine, but trust me, it really helps you focus and find things out.
It will be hard at first but if you keep doing it intime it will become easy...

Learn to love the you thats not your mind, or what people think of you, or your past, etc,, reconnect with your spirit

only focus on what you like about you, or anything else. Don't think any negative thoughts at all.

Start to monitor your thoughts and don't judge them, just observe, watch the patterns your mind runs . You are not your thoughts you are the greater being observing those thoughts, when you listen to your spirit it will guide you to a happy live

get the book "The Power of Now."
I don't think it's something you can just do over night. Does your college have psychiatrists that you can talk to? Mine does and it's not to big so I assume they all do. It's free and it sounds like you need professional help. I would suggest you try to talk to someone like that.
to accept the truth that God created you a unique and much loved person. He did not create you to be acceptable to others because you are totally acceptable to him. He has a purpose for your life, something only you are predestined to fulfill. Live by strong principles and have faith in God's goodness throughout your life. Your thoughts are coloured by allowing others to create a false image of who you think you are. look upwards, not inwards or around you. replace negative thoughts with positive ones, try and meet with like minded people who are not judgemental. God bless.
Hi there! First, getting into conflicts isn't being tough. It's being strong, not letting you're temper get out of control. It sounds like you have a lot of issues that you are trying to work through. Please go to your doctor and be truthful with him about your feelings. There is help out there, so please take that first important step in getting it. Trust me, if you do get help, someday you will be comfortable with who you are and have a happy fulfilling life. Don't waste any more time feeling this way, get help. Hope this helped, take care and God bless!
just because you dont like conflict that does not make you weak. you are strong enough to face up to your problems, else you wouldnt be posting this question.

Clearly i dont know you, but i dont think you should hate yourself that much. i hope you get many answers that make you realise you are worth more than you first thought x
You cant do much about the past, you have to look to the future, learn to like and love yourself, it takes time and small steps, you will get there in the end!!!! Learning to do things yerself and relising no one else will do it for you, my mum always said to me "if you dont ask you dont get" Its true, you got to make things happen, very rarely they happen on there own!! When i was a wee lad i wouldn't say boo to a mouse, but now, am totally comfortable with my self, thats the key, learn to be that, and anything else you can take in your stride!!! Also its not about getting into conflicts, the toughie is usually the one who avoids conflict!! Hang in there bud, i know theres ppl out there that can give ye better advice!!!
You sound like a decent person to me mate,

as for havin a weak personality and havin loads of problems, stop focusing on the bad bits and focus on the good bits about yourself ( yes you have got some), and in time you'll see yourself in a different light.

As for ppl expectin you to be "tough", why would you care what they think if thats all they can see in you.!

We all have problems, ok some maybe worse than others but we all have to get through them and thats what makes us decent ppl

Take care
Find something that you like about yourself, and accept that you are good at something. It's not being vain to know that you are good at something, say exercise for instance, no matter how superficial it may seem.

Next, focus on something you don't like about yourself, and take steps to improve that side of you. If people are messing with you, don't be aggressive with them, just look at them like they are really, really stupid, and they might back off.

And you don't have to be "Mr. Happy" all the time. You can be "Mr. Even Keel", or "Mr. Low Key" if you like.

Good luck, and I hope you learn to like yourself!
I totally agree with taraolgi that joining a martial arts club will help you to deal with the inner conflict you are experiencing.

As an ex guidance adviser I can tell you that most of the young men that I had dealings with benefited so much from joining a martial arts group. Not only did it give them confidence and self esteem it also gave them the insight into how other young people felt about themselves and it was no too long before they realised that they were not alone in having these feelings.

The feelings of self hate can be attributed to the growing up process and many of us suffer this anguish until we become more confident within ourselves. And another thing remember that you are allowed to makes mistakes as it sounds to me that you are being too hard on yourself for feeling you are a weak guy. So you don't want to punch someone lights out so what! Being scared of conflict is a survival thing I would say but it does not mean you are a coward. Let those who want to fight, fight it does not mean you are a lesser person because you don't want to fight.

I think that you would benefit from cognitive therapy as well and perhaps speaking to your GP for a referral to see a therapist is the first line of attack for you. It will help you to understand why you feel inadequate. Also it may help you to come terms with who you are and not keep fighting it mentally.

All in all you are growing up and you are in need of support and guidance. So please discuss this with your GP and everything you say to him will be treated in strictest confidence.

All the best to you and hopefully you will start feeling better about yourself. Nettiex
As I heard in a film a few nights back, ''I hate it when someone doesn't live up to their stereotype.'

So, you're not like others expect you to be. Well, your not alone in that, though I doubt that bit of information helps you any right now.

Sorry, but the simple and likely the best answer is to 'get Professional help.'

You can swim around and or tread water and looking for a way out for a long time, but there comes a time when you need the help of someone to help you find your way to the metaphorical shoreline.

It may be a bit of a cliche, but someone whose head is higher above the surface of the water than yours, can see what you can't.

Good luck.


What do you think of this poem about moms?



%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; My son came home from school one day,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; with a smirk upon his face.

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; He decided he was smart enough,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; to put me in my place.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; "Guess what I learned in Civics Two,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; that's taught by Mr. Wright?

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; It's all about the laws today,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; The 'Children's Bill of Rights.'


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; It says I need not clean my room,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; don't have to cut my hair

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; No one can tell me what to think,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; or speak, or what to wear.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; I have freedom from religion,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; and regardless what you say,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; I don't have to bow my head,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; and I sure don't have to pray.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; I can wear earrings if I want,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; and pierce my tongue %26amp; nose.

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; I can read %26amp; watch just what I like,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; get tattoos from head to toe.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; And if you ever spank me,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; I'll charge you with a crime.

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; I'll back up all my charges,

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; with the marks on my behind.


What do you think of this poem about moms?opera mobile

Very Good

What do you think of this poem about moms?imax theatre opera theater

very cute and funny but a little sad

I know of a parent whose daughter tells her all the time, you can't spank me I will tell my teacher and you will go to jail

needless to say, the daughter is a spoiled rotten brat!

kid's a brat.

go momma!
I prefe this one:

Philip Larkin - This Be The Verse

They f*ck you up, your mum and dad.

They may not mean to, but they do.

They fill you with the faults they had

And add some extra, just for you.

But they were f*cked up in their turn

By fools in old-style hats and coats,

Who half the time were soppy-stern

And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man.

It deepens like a coastal shelf.

Get out as early as you can,

And don't have any kids yourself.
Fairly lousy poem, everything else being equal.

Have you got any advice on this pokemon diamond team?

I have messed about with the stats and pro/cons and am unsure about the double flying/fighting moves what do people think of my team in general?

Mr. Mime lv 100



Light Screen

Double team

hold item- light clay

Staraptor lv 100


Brave Bird

Close Combat

Aerial Ace

Hold item - Heal Bell

Infernape - Lv 100

Focus Blast

Close Combat

Stone Edge

Flame Wheel

Hold item - Zoom Lens

Gastrodon Lv 100



Ice Beam

Muddy Water

Hold item - Sea Incense

Garchomp Lv 100



Dragon Rush

Draco Meteor

Hold Item - Macho Brace (while levelling probably draco plate)

Spiritomb (does this count as legendary?) Lv 100


Confuse Ray

Ominous Wind

Dark Pulse

Hold item - Black Glasses

Have you got any advice on this pokemon diamond team?opera sheet music

pretty sweet team but not good enuf to defaet me! wanna give it a go somtime? email me about it

Have you got any advice on this pokemon diamond team?shows opera theater

it looks familiar but i cant put my finger on it

What age can a small child sit through a child movie at theater?

I was wondering when to try to take my daughter to a movie at the theater. She is only 2 1/2 but can sit through a movie at home if it catches her attention (it is a toss-up as to what will / will not keep her in the seat for 1 1/2 hours). I didn't want to waste money going to a theater to see a children't feature without some feedback from you. She may be overwhelmed with the other children or the darkness. What was your experience?

What age can a small child sit through a child movie at theater?listen to opera

It really depends on the child, their mood, the movie, and the atmosphere. I first took my son to the theater when he was 18 months old to watch Barnyard. He sat there the entire time, didn't make a sound, and loved it!! I've taken him 3 times since then (he's 2 years/ 8 months now) and have had to leave every time. He usually lasts through 1/2 of the movie. If you decide to go for it, be prepared to leave if you have to %26amp; don't count on finishing the movie.

What age can a small child sit through a child movie at theater?concert venue opera theater

4 seems to be the right age in my experience.
I took my son at 2 and then again at 3 and he was fine. I took my son for the first session so it is half price for you both and the theater is emptier.
it totally depends on the child and the movie....i would say take a chance and see how it goes, you can always bribe her with candy or popcorn if she isn't that into the movie :)
I would say 5 would be the best. My husband i took our 3 year old to Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and i was surprised he sat through 3 hours of after that last hour he started get to ant see
It really depends on the child. My daughter is almost 2 and I know I wouldn't be able to take her. She can't sit still long enough to watch a one hour tv show, let alone a movie in a completely new setting.

However, my best friend has a daughter that's about the same age, who will happily sit through just about ANYTHING on tv for however long, and does absolutely fine at the theater.

If she'll sit through a movie for that long, then it's worth a shot. Just go during the day (not anywhere near naptime though!), that way if it doesn't work out, you only wasted $10, since matinee is much cheaper :)
I would wait until she is at least 3 or even 4. It is so expensive to go to the movies and if she isn't into it, than you're out the money. I also would make a HUGE production about going, and make it seem so great and wonderful (it also helps not to take her real often so it seems special). Also, you may want to also gauge this on her needs to use the bathroom. If she can go long periods without needing to go that helps, because if she has to leave a lot to go pee then she will become more disinterested in the movie when she has to leave. If watching movies at your house seems to work well, then continue to do that. You could always pretend it is like going to the real movies. Bring some chairs in and watch the move with some popcorn and explain that is what it is like going to the real movie, and you can't leave. That way she begins to understand what is expected when you go!
That is too young, your child will be figitty and want to move around the theater. Wait untoil she is at least 4.
It depends totally on the child..some can sit and watch a movie,,,my granddaughter for example...can't sit still for 2 minutes,,,,at home or at a I wouldn't take her...
My daughter just turned two a month ago. She will not sit thru a movie as long as she can get up. She is at the "hands on" stage. The only way I get her to sit thru a movie is if I put her in her highchair and park her right in front of the tv! I would hold off for now, wait another year. Get a sitter and go see the movie, thats what we do!

Altho, you can TRY it, just to see her reaction. Your child my be mature enough to sit thru it. Make sure you get plenty of popcorn and a child friendly movie tho!
"They" usually say to try at age 3- but it depends on the individual child. My grandkids were fine by the time they were three and love going to the movies! My youngest grandson, who will be 5 this month, has been going to see everything his older brother (11) has seen since he was 2 and has always sat through just fine and loved everything he saw! He's up for anything anyway, but that's what I mean about it being an individual thing. Thry it- kids under 3 or 4 are usually free anyway, and if you go to a matinee it'll be less expensive. (Bring treats from home in your purse....SHHhhhhh)
If you do it, do a matinee in the middle of the week. You'll most likely be there with a lot of other moms trying to keep a handle on their kids as well. Typically, adults or teenagers, the people who would get upset by disruptions, aren't at those showings, and the other moms and kids are more understanding during a lot of the talking.

We waited to take the kids to the theater until they were three years old. By that time, they were pretty consistantly able to sit and watch a 90 minute movie at home. They also understood "indoor/outdoor voices".

If she gets frightened in the dark or when there are loud noises, or if she REALLY gets into movies, you probably want to wait a little longer. The kids who get really into the movie have a really difficult time dealing with the 10-foot-tall characters on the screen. I remember watching Finding Nemo in the theater, and I'm telling you, when that shark started trying to attack Dory and Marlin, at least four kids started screaming. Two had to be removed.

If you think she could probably handle it, go, but try not to have many expectations. Sit near the door, on the aisle, and if she starts to lose it, slip out and figure you'll try it again in a year or so.

I suggest that you watch your kid at home. If they seem to have some attention span, I would risk taking them to the movies.

Kids tend to behave much better in the movies than when watching TV at home. The largeness of the screen and pop corn are all very pleasant experience for them.

My husband and I have been going to the movies at least once per two weeks with our 2 and a half year old daughter and seven month old son ( he's asleep after watching the big screen for 15-30 mins).

She watches the entire movie not problem. Not only that... we never go to the kid movies, but to see some light adult movies, like comedies with Ben Stiller, etc. She likes to imitate us and laughs when we are laughing. She understand that "we whisper in the movies, not talk".

Good luck! Try to take your little one once or twice and you may be very pleasantly surprised!

Movie theater etiquette - Chair kicking?

While trying to enjoy the newest Will Ferrel movie the other night, my chair was being kicked repeatedly. Not once, not five times. All together, the tally might have come to twenty. Yes, TWENTY. The first few times, fine, whatever, I turn around and ask her not to kick my chair. She was an adult, I assume of sound mind.

I'm a polite, tolerable person. I asked politely but NO, it continues. I can ignore it until every kick, although subtle, sends a pulse of adrenaline down my spine. I ask again, politely. Always politely. It stops for half an hour but she's doing it again. I want to get up and push her down the lighted stairs, I want to break her disrespectful little neck. But I decide that I don't want to ruin the movie for anybody else so I tolerate it.

After the movie, I want to get up, turn around and unleash a string of esteem-destroying obscenities but they leave about a minute before the movie ends. Cowards.

Now, my question - What is the proper etiquette for chair kicking?

Movie theater etiquette - Chair kicking?city opera

Sorry about your experience. Too bad there's no empty seats behind the kicker. Otherwise, I'd move after a second polite warning to the back of her and start kicking her chair myself. Let her try what it feels like ;)

Movie theater etiquette - Chair kicking?performing shows opera theater

I always ask politely too. But if the wanker doesnt stop I go out to the customer service desk and demand a manager! I tell them that if they dont make her stop I want a refund and a credit.

There have been incidents when a friend has gone to get a drink and the come back and "accidently" spill it on the person. Such a shame.
My policy is, ask them once. If they dont stop, ask them again and make it clear that you are not messing around. After that, do with them what you will. If you have to unleash the fury on a stranger, so be it. Youre saving the next person they sit behind from the same treatment.
No chair kicking allowed.

I've gotten to where I no longer go to movies at popular times or wait a little while before seeing them.

I also report people. I'm sick of inconsiderate people.
if room was available, i would have moved after i had requested the person to stop it. i had to move a couple of years ago due to an annoying adult that wanted to chit chat with her friends about anything and everything. rude.
after asking politely two times, I head for the manager. Let him handle the rude person.
What I might have done in your position was, after informing her of her impoliteness and getting no results, I probably would have gone to speak to a manager. Just inform him/her that your movie is being rudely interrupted by a fellow patron and ask if there is anything he/she can do like speak to the customer or refund your tickets for a later date. No self-respecting business would actually want to lose business. They should be willing to try and make all their customers happy.
I am sorry you did not have an enjoyable movie experience. I, too, experienced chair kickers, talkers, etc.

You did the right things in asking her several times to stop. You can also do the following:

1. Get up and move, if possible. Even if you were there first, your movie experience will be more enjoyable if you move to another spot- hopefully a quiet one. I usually sit in the far back row for that reason. No one can kick my chair or talk behind me.

2. If you are still upset, and she persists, get up and get the manager. He/she can tell her to stop or move.

I have noticed in recent years, the manners and attitudes of movie goers have declined. I don't know if this is from sitting at home and watching movies on DVD or VHS. Maybe these yahoos forget where they are and talk and act as if they are at home. I don't go to movie very much now because of this. My movie experience has been less than enjoyable.

Sorry for your experience, too.
why didn't you get the manager???????????????

Movie theater game online where you build the game and play?

I wondered if anyone knows of a game where you design the movie, decide what movie to show then watch as the computer people buy tickets, snacks, and watch the movie, then you have to put another movie before people lose interest?

Movie theater game online where you build the game and play?passions soap opera

it definately sounds a lot like movie theater tycoon there are several places online to download trail versions and even purchase the whole game

Movie theater game online where you build the game and play?mr messed up opera theater

I'm not sure but this sounds like Movie Theatre Tycoon, if it exists

Movie theater popcorn?

Do you know a way to make popcorn at home that tastes like movie theatre popcorn?

I have a stovetop popcorn popper. How can I best approximate the taste of movie theatre popcorn? I tried varying levels of salt and Orville Redenbacher's popcorn topping, but nothing I do can match real movie theatre taste.

Thanks in advance!

Movie theater popcorn?movie theater

Find out what food broker the one in your area uses, and go there and get the same butter and salts that they use.. it will just come in large bulk...

Movie theater popcorn?tickets opera theater

use lotsa butter
I think the butter is special. I don't think it's real butter but I don't know what is is though
The movie theatre in my area uses Becel margarine and lots of salt. Try the becel
charge yourself five dollars for a tub then tell me if it tastes the same
make sure that popcorn has been standing there for hours to get that real stale taste. and then at stores you will find popcorn butter (which is butter in liquid form) heat it up and add to your stale popcorn. then pop in a movie with surround sound and trun off the lights. i gurarentee you will not know any difference

OMG My husband is cleaning. Now what?

My husband cleans house rarely He NEVER cooks He tends to mostly create mess wherever he goes. I have 7 people in my home, 5 are children. While we do not have filth, things are in a little bit of disorder most of the time. I just cannot keep up with everyone. I work %26amp; go to school. I am only human after all

The house stays relatively clean. But then the kids are extra messy, I work late, or have finals and the house looks like a tornado hit it. This is when the 'Almighty Mr. Clean' arises from his throne to declare, this home a pitiful site unworthy of his presence, and sets to power cleaning. He wants to toss everything out, he yells at everyone. He cannot just clean he has to make a tirade. Acting as if he is the only one who EVER cleans.SHaking his head and asking why? over and over again. Like the 4 year old is going to answer him. They look at him like he is daft.

What should be my responce to this behavior? Am I to be thankful? How do I control the anger I feel? Yes, I luv him

OMG My husband is cleaning. Now what?home theater

GIRL I FEEL YOU my husband does the same thing god forbid he cleans once in while right lol just be glad he is cleaning and just tell everyone when he rants like that just to ignore him and let him clean. HE IS CLEANING AFTER ALL right

just let him do his thing girl he is just ranting there nothing to that rant im sure. or if you really want to talk with him about how you feel when he rants like that when he is cleaning but make sure you tell him that you do appreaciate the fact that he does help you when you confront him about his ranting

Well good luck to you i do feel for you i am also going to school and have a husband like yours and i also have a 4 year old and a 1 year old.and we have 7 people total in our house

OMG My husband is cleaning. Now what?comedy club opera theater

check in any hiddy holes for gay porn.
I think he is bored and thats why hes cleaning. so say good job and ty
llol he sounds like me an all my brothers. thats exactly how we are . thast crazy. lol haha oh man that is funny
Talk to him about it...or just let him read this. He'll get it.
killl him

sincerely oj simpson

ps if anyone else comes along take them out to
CALM DOWN and tell him you appreciate his help. If you yell at him he might not clean again! =)
Tell him you took a vote and nobody wants to be around him when he acts like this and then take the kids out for pizza. He'll enjoy the space and you get to come back to a clean house.
Spend less time on yahoo answers and more time cleaning your pig sty. I don't blame him...........what a daft!
men think that whatever they do is more important....sit on the couch and take it easy while he cleans...lift your feet when appropriate!
you should not be thankful for one. when the storm has calmed down and dissipated,

you should ask him if he thinks if you are doing a good enough job of being a wife, mother and student; i get the feeling that he does not really approve completely of you not always there to clean the house.

but asking him the question may shame him enough to make him more understanding

good luck
have a place for the kids to put there stuff put a name on it and tell them that thay have to put there stuff away or out it goes into the garbage and do it an old friend tried this buy throwing out all there stuff through the kitchen window and the kids were so shocked that from then on if it was left out and not put away out it went the same with clothes put them in the hamper or you will have to wear them dirty cause i only wash clothes that are in the hamper good luck and ask your husbond if he would like you to yell like he does once a week give the kid who does the best work a special treat
be happy
You should be thankful for his cleaning. But if it were my husband I would sit down and have a talk with him. It seems like he is forgetting he is not the only one working. Just take time to calmly talk to him and explain that the kids do not understand that everything has its place and they are getting upset about his yelling. Tell him you are trying to get a career and work and take care of the house but it is hard and you would like him to help out sometimes and tell him if he is just going to yell and carry on that you would rather do it yourself. Guys are really weird when it comes to stuff like this, especially the ones that think women should take care of the kids and house and not need any help. This is a hard subject to approach and I wish you the best of luck.
Talk to him.. first of all whatever the problem is convince him not to show it in front of your children. It's the worst thing for a child to know that things aren't like there supposed to be. Your house is for your kids the perfect world.. dont let him ruin it! Try to do the house work during talking or having fun with your husband or children, tell him to do the same.. don't think it as a "have to do" thing, be happy that you have the luxury of a house and the luxury to have it clean! From what i read, your children are full of energy, you're a very lucky parent!
I'm sorry to hear that you have married a manchild. I do all the cooking and when we clean house I help till it's done. The only thing I don't do is laundry. Even that I will do in a pinch. My point is that a lot of men (and some women too) even in adulthood, want a "mother" to take care of them because they're lazy.

Sounds like mom needs to take control of the situation in order for it to change because right now everyone is happy because you are doing all the work and they do little if anything. So why would they want the situation to change?

Start a chore list and include the kids. If they choose not to help, punish them in some fashion and stick to it. Take charge, girl! YOU CAN DO IT!

Take Responsiblity Of Your Own Action, FOR YOUW OWN-SAKE.. rest thoose angry females are going to miss-guide you cause they dont even have a husband or family.

Surely your husband got another Women.

You should checked on him. This could be something fishy cos men to do something different when the there is changing in their routine. Slight changing of our routine could lead to unpredictable action or attitude.

Just take a good talk with him. Sure he will tell you something.
